Keble College was inaugurated under the guidance of Mrs. S L W A Weerasinghe with the intention of delivering a quality international education for the local community.
With the help of Mr. K D A Weerasinghe Chairman/ Managing Director of K D A W Constructions, the college opened its arms in 2009 to all races of the country. The college began with a sincere and dedicated staff of five teachers to serve 6 students.
The board of directors consisted of Chairman Mr. K D A Weerasinghe,
Mrs. S L W A Weerasinghe Managing Directress and the late Mr. S A P Samarasinghe Director. The Directress of Studies Mrs. Pilapitiya, retired principal of a prestigious girl’s school in Colombo was the first principal of Keble College.
In 2011 and 2012, two new Directors were appointed to the Board, Mr. M P Weerasinghe Director of Studies and Mr. S G Weerasinghe, Director Development.
In 2012 the school opened their own basketball court. And the school made a great leap by getting the license to become an Edexcel examination
centre approved by British Council in Sri Lanka which is a benchmark in the school’s history.
In 2013 the college entered the circuit meets which was the school’s first exposure to circuit level.
By the fourth year since its inauguration the collage has made a handful of achievements not only in its development but in the sphere of education sports and extracurricular activities.
So here we are at Keble College with pride, echoing the words “the flag stands so high reaching the sky saying KEBLE COLLEGE”